All Hat, No Cattle

This saying gets used where we are from, and specifically in the west.  It refers to people who dress like cowboys, but clearly are not. 

The phrase goes beyond attire and gets appropriately used to describe a person who is full of talk, but lacks the substance to back it up.  It also applies to news, media and the internet as we wonder what is real and what isn’t. Is it real or all talk?

Lots of people come up with great plans and ideas, but it gets down to whether or not you can follow through with the execution. There are always lots of reasons not to do it: Perhaps they fear failure, lack the motivation, or are simply caught in the "its easiest to do nothing" trap.

This could be a business opportunity, a product idea, or a personal investment strategy.

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We see in this a lot. As we ended 2018, we heard a lot of talk about diversifying investment portfolios to reduce equity risk going forward. This makes sense. But during the first 60 days of 2019 the equity market has rewarded those that have done nothing. The question is: "Has anything changed?"

Do you have what it takes to do the right thing? Or are you all hat and no cattle?

For more about the Auspice CTA and commodity strategies and the potential portfolio benefits, please give us a call.

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