The new guy

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This has been a year few us will ever forget - and there is still a month to go! The number of unexpected turns and twists is almost innumerable.  "Work from home" became a reality quickly followed by an aggressive market sell-off in equities, suspended commodity demand and a general risk-off vacuum. Crude oil traded negative (?) for the first time.  However, the bounce in both equity and commodity markets had been sharp since April while scaring participants with selloffs to start the fall.  Entering the US election markets seemed to be turning down, again taking crude oil with it given waves of COVID growth globally, but the market rallied surprising many.

For Auspice, it has been a breakout year we have worked hard for with strong gains in Q1 followed up by a strategic partnership that was completed in July. We have entered December with exceptional results for the year across our major product lines with the flagship up over 10% and solid capital flows as investors look at alternatives to diversify, enhance and protect their portfolios.

Adding to the twists, we have added a key team-mate, one we had been looking for some time. Filling this role has been a real challenge over the years given a number of factors. We are one of few managers in Canada that focus on this area of quantitative investing, our clientele ranges from retail to institutional, and our product suite is also varied, requiring an expertise in understanding the markets but importantly the diverse investor needs.  Moreover, this person has to work with Auspice founder Tim Pickering!  To say Tim is committed to the brand he and long-time partner Ken Corner created is an understatement. Tim is passionate and makes no bones about it with this placard on his LinkedIn profile: "I want to meet someone as passionate about the marketing and sales of Alternative Investments as I am about creating and making them available to all."  We needed unicorn.

If you ask Tim the list of experiences and characteristics needed, it requires a triple threat blend of institutional and retail buy-side and sell-side experience complemented with a grounding in being a hands-on entrepreneur and innovator. In order to sell it, you have to believe it and in order to believe it, you have to have lived it.  Few have done all three. 

Brennan Basnicki has stepped into this role and brought experiences few have. Having been at a US teachers' pension as a major allocator and portfolio manager, and a tenured top multi-billion quantitative fund manager before embarking on an innovative tech venture that had him present to VC's, corporate leaders and prime-minsters - Brennan has the elusive triple threat. His ability to educate and work with investors and team-members looks to be a great compliment to what Auspice has been doing for over a decade. Culturally, Brennan fits right in as an outdoor enthusiast supreme having travelled globally to kitesurf, ski and paddleboard.  When the idea of spending time with our team at the base of the Canadian Rockies in Calgary came up, Brennan didn't hesitate.

Working at Auspice is more than a pay-cheque. It is a commitment to innovate, perform, educate and grow. It takes a maturity and perseverance recognizing doing something different and worthwhile is not easy.  It is a journey that has earned incredible clients we view as partners and exposure to other entrepreneurs we find fascinating driving us to do more.  We are happy Brennan has joined us on this journey.   You will likely be hearing from him soon.

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For U.S. investors, any reference to the Auspice Diversified Strategy or Program, “ADP”, is only available to Qualified Eligible Persons “QEP’s” as defined by CFTC Regulation 4.7.

For Canadian investors, any reference to the Auspice Diversified Strategy or Program, “ADP”, is only available to “Accredited Investors” as defined by CSA NI 45-106.