Auspice Diversified Commentary
The Auspice Diversified Program lost 1.84% in June to be off 1.78% year to date.
The Auspice Diversified Program lost 2.03% in May to be up 0.06% year to date.
The Auspice Diversified Program lost 0.98% in April to be up 2.14% year to date.
The Auspice Diversified Program gained 0.47% in March to end the quarter with a 3.15% gain.
The Auspice Diversified Program corrected 1.93%. During February, we made a number of changes to the portfolio to capture long term gains and take additional opportunistic positions.
The Auspice Diversified Program gained 4.68% in January, a great jump on the year.
The Auspice Diversified Program gained 4.19% in December to be up 24.76% in 2014. This highlights the non-correlated value of this absolute return strategy in the face of traditional asset volatility.
The Auspice Diversified Program gained 7.05% in November. While equities charged higher during the month, the volatility in other asset classes provided opportunities and low correlation. The strategy is up approximately 19.74% year to date.
Skate to where the puck is going, not where it's been. - Wayne Gretzky
The Auspice Diversified Program gained 8.56% in September as volatility persisted and trends developed across many sectors.
The Auspice Diversified Program gained 3.92% in August as volatility moved beyond Equities. The strategy gained 6.20% in the last 3 months while global equity markets are having mixed results, highly influenced by market and geography.
While the Auspice Diversified Program was virtually flat on the month, off approximately 0.40% in July, the month was anything but boring and we are very excited about this shift. The volatility we started to see pick up in Currencies and Commodities in June moved into Equities.
The Auspice Diversified Program gained 2.65% in June with contributions from both financial and commodity sectors. This brings the strategy positive in the first half of 2014.